Throwing it back

In the spirit of #throwbackthursday, I’m bringing back a poem I wrote in my final year in Vet school. It is also my first attempt at poetry. I titled it “The Progression”

The Progression

I remember when I couldn’t wait to gain admission

All my friends had gotten into higher institutions

“Uni” life is fun, they said

All I could do was lie in bed

So when I got into the University of Ibadan

I couldn’t wait to experience all the fun

But I was told my name was still written in pencil

As a 100 level student wasn’t really in vet school

And then I made it in

But all I could think was “this is tiring”

Why read so hard to get here

Only to read even harder because the end isn’t near

It’s finally coming to an end

Relief, joy, exhilaration all I feel

Now imagine my disappointment when

All I hear is “the struggle out there is real”

I guess it never really gets easy

So take a deep breath and stay calm

For all the rigour, the stress, the frustration, the sleepless nights

Will only make us stand the test of time

                                -a.o ayinla-

How did you feel in your final semester in uni?

9 thoughts on “Throwing it back

  1. How did I feel in my final semester?

    I can’t really place the feeling i had
    I was already done with school 2 years prior in my head.

    So I wanted to just get it over with.

    I had a burden of an idea I wanted to bring into reality

    All I could think of was the daunting road to reality.


    1. How did I feel in my final semester?
      I was so concerned about graduating with a particular grade and I had figured out what aspect I wanted to specialize in. I was just hopeful for the future.


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